Friday, March 1, 2013

Baseless Hue And Cry Over The Noose

“Let’s do away with the noose.”
I know they are in the truth, I know they are in the right, I know they may win hands down in what they term as the civilized society, but that was my dream last night. Today I raise the pen to bite the nimble flesh of misleading dictions.
I have been sick and tired of the innumerable articles flowing in every time a culprit is taken to task. However, they remain mute spectators when the very subjects shower wrath on the innocent lives with their heinous crimes, committed in the name of anything and everything. Where were these messengers of morality and preachers of “doing away with the noose”, when Mumbai was attacked on 26/11, or rigged in 1993, when a 14 year adolescent was raped and strangled to death, and various other incidents when the humanity was shaken to the base. Every instance witnessed a wife losing her husband, a child his/her father and vice versa. Was it wrong to have struck a dialogue with the criminals to undo their acts? They say, “We condemn it.” Really! From an air conditioned chamber, condemnation is but being politically correct. India is luckily a country with Article 19. I pray don’t abuse it by marring those who have been patient with all that came by.
I read citations of Gandhi and the Buddha, how the former preached non violence and the latter taught the world peace and harmony. I bet even these great men wouldn’t preach what they did for such monsters in the question.
India has always given a fair trial to the convicts. We have never punished a person with vengeance in mind. Ajmal Kasab, Afzal Guru, Dhananjoy Chatterjee and Auto Shankar are the recent ones to be awarded death sentence. The sincerity of their crimes is beyond imagination and unpardonable. Nevertheless, they were given free trial by the law of the land, precisely why such a procrastination in their execution. Should we not be applauded to be fair in the first place to them who have never been fair to nobody? Kasab, alone depleted 30 cr while his royal stay in India. How fairer could we be? We never raised a voice, not even those who bled their hearts. They just lay faith in the country’s constitution. Wouldn’t we be cheating on them by letting these cowardly acts let go without a fitting judgment? Yes, an eye for eye is quite extreme, but an eye for 332 seems pretty just. Letting off the hook, wouldn’t we send out a message yet again to the world, of being a country who invites perpetrations just as we did some centuries back? They preach for LIWP, and why should that be acceptable – to give terrorists a chance to do yet another Kandhar, or to spend the tax payer’s hard earned money in keeping alive their wrong doers?  
When America killed hundreds and thousands after 9/11, there was one message perceived, that “America will not tolerate terrorism upon its lands.” Why then, India is seen any different when we just penalize the sole perpetrators and cheaters of humanity?
We can do away with the noose, but come up with something that will soothe the hearts of those who lost their loved ones needlessly. We sure aren’t putting an end to the wrong doers, but at least we are giving them food for thought, and as an Indian, we are giving our brothers enough to feel that any wrong upon them will be seriously conjured and condemned in action, not just words.


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