Monday, February 25, 2013

Conviction is all you need !

There are times we fail, there are times we emerge victorious, but there aren't many who introspect as to why we fail or why win. For obvious reasons, in this fast moving and ever changing world, which it has come to be, we fail on the thinking part, and if we do think about the aforementioned, we miss out on one big think- CONVICTION. From Lord Rama to Lord Krishna, from Swami Vivekananda to the current missile man of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, all have reverberated the same thing and yet it fails to register on us. I say us here just to include my small fraternity to friends, peers, colleagues and family members, and all who can connect to this.

I always got to hear that a listener is a great man, that all it takes to be knowledgeable is to be a good listener, a good absorbent, to accept knowledge, no matter where and when and how it comes by. 

Sharing here, a beautiful story, contributed by a friend, at a normal eat away, in the wee hours where everything else was ordinary, but the words he spoke resonate even now as I hit the characters of the keyboard to present it. Paramahansa Yogananada (hereafter, referred to as He), an Indian yogi and guru who introduced many westerners to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through his book, Autobiography of a Yogi. A devout of the Almighty, from the very blossoming times of his, this Indian championed the cause and showed the world the path and reason of one's life. But lets not go into that, because I am afraid, I can't make full justice to his ideals given to the world. Therefore, I stick to the one which probably none thought, and yet it is so ripe that it should at least find a mention even through this effort of mine.

He was always treading a path to reach the Superhuman and of course he did. His desire was too deep to go unnoticed, when one fine day his elder brother, seemingly bored and much unto frustrated by his philosophies, extended him help to chase his dream of visiting Mathura - the land of Krishna. Upon condition that he should return back before the stipulated time offered and upon his own earning, without begging, mocking at him that His God may help him earn a return ticket. The offer was instantly agreed upon by the Swami and his close friend. Tickets were bought for both.

Before leaving, the friend, a pragmatic by nature, suggested that they should be given some money towards undesired circumstances, which may be used if anything untoward was to happen. Not a bad idea, in an uncertain world, was it?

To this the Swami replied, "Then it can't be done. The deal will never meet its end. If there is even a fraction doubt towards an endeavor, it can't be achieved. If there is any doubt in the conviction, its a sure failure."

What we aim at, what we aspire, can only be achieved if there is conviction to achieve it. David belted Goliath, small troops won big wars, the underdogs emerge winners every now and then. There is one thing in common - CONVICTION.

So next time, in whatever we do, however small, insignificant or huge, lets do it with full conviction and see it meet the end.